Ayahuasca Hapé aka Rapé (Tobacco Snuff)
This blend is made from the rest of ayahuasca that is attached to the bottom of the pan. It's called Tongoni, and the katukina and shawandawa tribe are used to transforming this part that is left from the cooking of the medicine, into a new blend. Its very energetic, you can feel the scent of the vine. Very appropriate for medicine wheels and ceremonies, gives us a feeling of liberation and porpouse. This medicine helps us allign ourselves to our higher selves and anchors us.
Rapé is legal sacred shamanic snuff medicine, which is pronounced ‘ha-peh’ in English. Also, it’s known to be casually referred to as ‘hape’, ‘hapi’ or ‘rapay” by some Western people.
They are very rare, sacred, powerful, precious, profoundly healing and cleansing miracle medicines. They are made in a very sacred and labour intensive process, and consist of various Amazonian medicinal plants, trees, leaves, seeds, and other sacred ingredients. Some types of rapé are made by various indigenous tribes, who originate from different South American countries – primarily Brazil and Peru.
Generally, they have the following effects – profoundly helps to re-align and open all your chakras, improves your grounding, releases any sickness on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, opens-up the third eye, de-calcifies the pineal gland, clears any mental confusion, releases any negative thoughts, removes any entities, connects you to your divine breath, and elevates your connection with Spirit.
Each different type of rapé has different vibrations, notes, qualities, subtleties, and very different effects on the energetic field. Furthermore, after you develop a deeper relationship with each rapé – they are powerful Plant teacher spirits, where you can ask any questions or hold specific intentions for each sacred session.